20 January 2008

Suzanne Pleshette RIP

When I was in high school, on the Saturdays when I was not performing in theater, I sat glued to the television to watch "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," "The Bob Newhart Show" and "The Carol Burnett Show" -- arguably, two hours of the best television ever programmed.

Aside from the fantastic writing -- standards of which, sadly, have fallen greatly -- part of the appeal of that night was the talents of Suzanne Pleshette (pictured).

Interestingly, it took me a while to figure out from where I knew her. Oh, yeh, that's right: the school teacher in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." Wow, she was great in that. I remember even now how traumatized I was when she died in that film. That was sad.

You may read more about her fulfilling career

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