You know I need chemo pills every day. I get a prescription filled each month. For January, this happened:
I called my supplier 1C (as usual) and started the monthly process. 1C called me THREE WEEKS LATER and told me they no longer have a contract with my insurance to provide my chemo. Told me I had to call supplier 2A. I called them to start the process.
The next day, 2A called and told me I needed to have 1C call them and give them a verbal transfer of the prescription. Called 1C and asked them to call 2A and give them verbal transfer. 2A said it is against federal drug laws to give verbal transfers for chemo drugs. They said to call my doctor’s office and have them send the paperwork to 2A. I did that.
The next day, my doctor’s office called to tell me 2A no longer had a contract with my insurance and that he was trying to figure out what to do. Doctor’s office called back and told me that he was told that supplier 3A would now provide my chemo. The next day he called to tell me that 3A said they no longer have a contract with the drug company to sell their product and that I would have to get my drug filled with company 1C (remember them from almost a month earlier – the company that no longer contracts with my insurance?).
As of today, doctor office trying to figure out where I can get my drugs and who will pay the $31,000 monthly cost. Keep in mind that I start my chemo cycle the first of every month which is currently three days away and the drugs have to be shipped to me from wherever in hell they come from.